
still less than half done...

Slow going is the pace I'm working at....I sat down this morning determined to do the right front section by the end of the day. did NOT work out that way. I broke three combs, including the super sturdy doggie flea comb that was supposed to be indestructible...I didn't expect the plastic rat-tail to last, but the metal teasing comb I bought at Sallie's beauty? Isn't it made for ratting? One swipe and it was broken. What to do? Send my man to return them and get some more, of course! But, it set me back so much by taking that break.....

Oh, one more thing to share...when I told my man that I wanted to lock it up, do you know what he said? "I'll love you a little less with dreadlocks, baby." Really? We'll see.

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