
Experimental Dreadie

So my experimental dreadlock is still kickin'

I've had to tighten it up quite a few times but it's growing on me - which is the point of my knotty little secret back there hiding under the rest of my un-knotted mop - to see if I would dig a whole head full of locks....

and I'm thinking that I will :)

So here's picture of my experimental dreadie:

It's kinda hard to see my dark lock on my dark shirt but look close - it's there. It's also real hard to take a picture of ones' self holding a sweet baby but where's your man when you need him??

It's so needing some wax - so looks like I'll be visiting soon for some stuffs.

Also, from the looks of the below picture, btw - this one was taken by my man - notice how I have no head - just tits - so You Know it was taken by a guy - anyways.... the lock - definitely needing a palm roll or a little tightening with the back comb.

Keep lockin' up little dreadie :)

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